

charm offensive

"charm offensive"という表現をご存知でしょうか?

知らなかったら、そもそもそれが"charm offensive"という一続きの表現であることを理解するのに時間がかかるかも知れません。


South Korea's Moon tries K-Pop and TV stars in China charm offensive

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in will unveil an array of TV talent and K-Pop celebrities at events, including a state dinner, in China on Thursday as he attempts to smooth out a year of difficult diplomacy with a star-laden charm offensive.

South Korean celebrities, including some of those accompanying Moon, had been shut out of Chinese television and concert halls as relations cooled between the East Asian neighbours as they faced the threat posed by North Korea’s missile and nuclear programmes.

The thorniest issue was South Korea’s deployment of a controversial U.S. anti-missile system.
(Joyce Lee. South Korea's Moon tries K-Pop and TV stars in China charm offensive. Reuters. December 14, 2017.)

今日の朝刊の国際面で、韓国大統領が中国を初めて公式訪問するという記事を読んでいたのでコンテクストとしては分かっていましたが、記事のタイトルと文中に出てくる、"charm offensive"が何のことか理解できないでいました。


"charm offensive"を辞書で引いてみたところ、ランダムハウス英和には載っていませんでしたが、Merriam-Webster(オンライン版)では、

a calculated campaign to use one's personal charm to gain favor or support


ネットを検索してみると"charm offensive"には「魅力攻勢」といった日本語訳が充てられているようです。

ここに来て初めて、”charm offensive”というのが、魅力(charm)による攻勢(offensive)という成り立ちであることが分かるのですが、”offensive”は形容詞ではなく、名詞ということになります。


President Donald J. Trump is wrapping up a whirlwind tour of Asia, visiting five countries in 12 days. The trip revealed much about Trump’s style of diplomacy – one that focuses more on his personal relationships with world leaders than diplomatic relations between countries.

Both democratic and authoritarian leaders have been wooed by Trump’s charm offensive. He has highlighted his warm feelings toward China’s President Xi Jinping and tweeted that he tries “so hard to be [North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s] friend.”
(Jessica Trisco Darden. Did Trump’s charm offensive work in the Philippines? Huffington Post. November 14, 2017.)


米国第一主義を達成するための戦術として”charm offensive”を用いているということは考えられます。

結局のところ、”charm offensive”にしっくりくる日本語訳は思い浮かばないのですが、外交のコンテクストで言えば、正攻法ではない戦術に分類されるように思われます。

ところで、“charm offensive”が使われるコンテクストは政治に限りません。

Despite many of its services being blocked in China, Google has chosen Beijing as the location for its first artificial intelligence research center in Asia.


Google (GOOGL) effectively left China in 2010, but the country's 730 million internet users make it too large a market to ignore. The company has made no secret of its desire to find ways to rebuild its presence there.


Opening a high profile AI research center in China is the latest move in Google's charm offensive.
(Sherisse Pham. Google is opening an artificial intelligence center in China. CNN. December 13, 2017.)


つまりグーグル社にしてみれば、売込みの絶好のチャンスであり、”charm offensive”は売込み攻勢とも意訳出来るかもしれません。

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