

影武者? ― body double


In the beginning, first lady Melania Trump was mocked for her absence from the White House. Then she was criticized for her clothes and her shoes. On Wednesday some conspiracy theorists on Twitter were convinced she wasn't even Melania — she's a body double!

Soon after a tweet asserting this was posted, the reaction tweets were off to the races as jokesters, paranoids, gif-makers and Trump supporters vied with one another to make the case, knock it down or just have a good time posting clever pictures and videos.

More proof that startling numbers of people on Twitter have way too much time on their hands? For the record, there is no Melania Trump body double, but that didn't stop the blathering about it.
(Maria Puente. Twitter goes bananas speculating Melania Trump might have a 'body double.' USA Today. October 18, 2017.)


body double


手元の辞書には載っていないので、ネットで"body double"を検索するとまず出てくるのが1984年の映画のタイトルです。その映画を観たことはありませんが、「影武者」という意味のの"body double"という表現に関連があるのかもしれません。

ところで、オンライン辞書の類では、"body double"は、

a person who substitutes for a star for the filming of a scene that involves shots of the body rather than the face
(Collins English Dictionary)



このような”body double”の疑惑は今回に限った話ではなく、過去には昨年の大統領選の最中のヒラリー・クリントン氏について同様の疑惑が持ち上がったこともありました。

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