

nook and cranny



A “catastrophic sleep-loss epidemic” is causing a host of potentially fatal diseases, a leading expert has said.

In an interview with the Guardian, Professor Matthew Walker, director of the Centre for Human Sleep Science at the University of California, Berkeley, said that sleep deprivation affected “every aspect of our biology” and was widespread in modern society.

And yet the problem was not being taken seriously by politicians and employers, with a desire to get a decent night’s sleep often stigmatised as a sign of laziness, he said.


Professor Walker, who is originally from Liverpool, said: “No aspect of our biology is left unscathed by sleep deprivation.

“It sinks down into every possible nook and cranny. And yet no one is doing anything about it. Things have to change: in the workplace and our communities, our homes and families.
(Ian Johnston. ‘Catastrophic’ lack of sleep in modern society is killing us, warns leading sleep scientist. The Independent. September 24, 2017.)



“It sinks down into every possible nook and cranny."

という、同教授のコメントですが、"nook and cranny"というのはよく知られているフレーズで、隅から隅まで、というような意味です。

"search every nook and cranny"というフレーズは高校受験英語レベルでの暗記必須フレーズでしょうか(!?)


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