

nomen omen

ラテン語のフレーズで"nomen omen"とは、名前が運命を決める、という意味だそうです。



MILAN — There's a Latin proverb that Italians often quote: “Nomen omen” — a person’s destiny lies in his name. That couldn’t be more true than in the case of Anthony Scaramucci, the former White House communications director who lasted just 10 days on the job.

Scaramucci’s name comes from the Italian word “scaramuccia,” which means “brief fight” or “controversy of little importance.” It could be roughly translated as “scuffle” or “skirmish,” but those English terms hardly convey the nuances of the Italian word, which implies gratuitousness, pettiness and, more often than not, clownish behavior.

“Scaramuccia” is also the name of a stock clown in the Commedia dell’Arte, a type of traditional Italian theater that features a fixed set of characters or “masks,” whose recurring features are paltriness and cowardliness — a caricature version of the shortcomings of the Average Joe (or Average Giovanni).
(Anna Momigliano. Scaramucci’s name comes from the Italian word for a ‘controversy of little importance.’ Washington Post. August 1, 2017.)





"nomen omen"というフレーズについては、研究社の新英和大辞典の巻末に"FOREIGN PHRASES AND QUOTATIONS"というセクションがあり、そのなかでは"nomen atque omen"というエントリで載っているのですが、その由来は古代ローマの劇作家プラウトゥスによるPersaという作品だそうです。

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