

scavenger hunt


Union College is investigating racy, 'inappropriate' scavenger hunt

A women’s athletic team at Union College in N.Y. is being investigated for the proliferation of a “profane scavenger hunt” in which points were awarded for committing racy acts, according to the student newspaper, The Concordiensis.

Having sex on the campus ice rink, for example, earned a participant 200 points, according to an alleged Google document where the point system was housed. Eating a baked good laced with marijuana netted 100 points; 400 points were awarded for drinking a teammate’s urine and 1,000 points for smoking “a blunt with a teacher,” as well as numerous sexual acts.

In total, there were at least 60 items listed, according to The Daily Gazette, a newspaper in the capital region of N.Y., and each act had to be captured through photo or video to prove its completion.

According to News10 ABC in Albany, some students believed this to be the team’s hazing ritual. After much circulation throughout campus and complaints by three athletes, the Google document finally came to the attention of Athletic Director Jim McLaughlin.
(Cameron McGough. Union College is investigating racy, 'inappropriate' scavenger hunt. USA Today. April 27, 2017.)

"Scavenger hunt"と出てくるのですが、何のことかご存知でしょうか?

私はしらなかったのですがとりあえずそのまま読み進めてみて、2段目でその"scavenger hunt"が非常によろしくない行為であるというイメージを持ちました。

記事のタイトルにも、"racy, inappropriate scavenger hunt"とあります。

ところで、"scavenger hunt"は知らなくとも"treasure hunt"はご存知という方はいらっしゃるかもしれません。


"Scavenger hunt"はこの"treasure hunt"から派生したものでしょうか、"treasure"(宝物)ではなく、"scavenger"(ゴミ箱漁り)であるという点が違っています。


A scavenger hunt is distinguished from a treasure hunt, in that the latter involves one or a few items that are desirable and completed in sequence, while a scavenger hunt primarily collects undesirable or useless objects in random order.


一方、研究社大英和にも"scavenger hunt"のエントリがあって、こちらでは「手に入りにくいものを・・・金で買わずに見つけてくるゲーム」と定義されていました。

記事に戻ると、問題になっている"inappropriate scavenger hunt"は大学の体育会系クラブの女子学生が校内で淫らな行為に及んだりすることでポイントを競うゲームであったことが取り上げられています。



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