

但し・・・ ― asterisk

トランプ米大統領の妻メラニアさんについては、イギリスのタブロイド紙Daily Mailがイヴァンカさんを中傷する記事を掲載し、裁判沙汰になっていました。

この度、記事が名誉毀損であると認められ、Daily Mailが賠償金を払うことで決着したようです。

Donald Trump said that when he became president, it would be easier to sue media companies “and win lots of money.” As if on cue, first lady Melania Trump recovered a reported $2.9 million in a libel suit Wednesday, Day 82 of her husband's presidency.

The victory came with a huge asterisk, however: The settlement was approved by a court in England, where libel protections for journalists are far weaker than in the United States.

The lawsuit centered on an article published last summer by the Daily Mail tabloid, part of which addressed an unsubstantiated report in a Slovenian magazine that Melania Trump had doubled as a sex worker early in her modeling career.
(Callum Borchers. Trump just scored a victory over the media, but it came with a huge asterisk. The Washington Post. April 12, 2017.)


The victory came with a huge asterisk


この"a huge asterisk"とはどういう意味でしょうか?


Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの定義にある説明を引用しましょう。

the character * thought of as being appended to something (such as an athletic accomplishment included in a record book) typically in order to indicate that there is a limiting fact or consideration which makes that thing less important or impressive than it would otherwise be

ちょっと長い定義ですが、ポイントは"to indicate that there is a limiting fact or consideration which makes that thing less important or impressive than it would otherwise be"という部分で、つまり内容の正当性や価値に疑問符がつく、という意味です。


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