

日本株式会社!? ― Japan Inc.


Japan Inc. has $59 billion at stake on the June 23 referendum in the U.K., when Britons vote to either leave or stay in the European Union.

That’s the amount Japanese companies have invested in the U.K., which benefits more from Japanese investment than any other country outside Europe apart from the U.S., according to figures compiled by the Japan External Trade Organization. More than 1,300 Japanese companies -- including Toyota Motor Corp., Hitachi Ltd. and Nissan Motor Co. -- employ over 140,000 people in the U.K., Prime Minister David Cameron said last month.
(Chris Cooper. Brexit Opposed by Japan Inc. as $59 Billion Rides on Referendum. Bloomberg. June 7, 2016.)



Japan Inc.


"Inc."とはご存知の通り、法人組織を表す"incorporated"の省略形です。つまり、会社名の後につくのが普通なのですが、"Japan Inc."なる会社(日本株式会社!?)が存在するかのようです。

記事のコンテクストからすれば、"Japan Inc."とは、日本企業を十把ひとからげにしているものと容易に想像がつきますが、果たしてこのような用法は一般的なのでしょうか?


A nickname for the corporate world of Japan that came about during the 1980s boom, when Western business people saw how closely the Japanese government worked with its nation's business sector.

さらにコーパスで検索してみますと、"Japan Inc."の実例は1991年以降、14件がヒットしました。その中から1つ例示します。

Japan Inc.: The term is used constantly by politicians, corporate chieftains and the major U.S. media (including The Washington Post). It's catchy. It's descriptive. And it's short enough to fit in a headline or a TV correspondent's 30-second stand-up.
(Washington Post, 1993.)

ここで疑問が。"Japan Inc."があるのなら、"Germany Inc."や"France Inc."、"Canada Inc."といった用例も存在するのでしょうか?


しかしながら、"China Inc."が1件ヒットしました。

He (=Prime Minister Shinzo Abe) has strengthened economic ties with nations like India and Burma that are keen to hedge against China Inc.
(Time, 2013.)


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