

wing it




“What should the law be on abortion?” asked MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to Donald Trump at a town hall event in Wisconsin.

“Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?” Matthews pressed. “This is not something you can dodge.”
(Jill Colvin. Trump’s abortion flub shows risks of ‘winging it’ on policy. The Washington Post. March 31, 2016.)

“Should the woman be punished for having an abortion?”という記者の質問に対して、トランプ氏は、"Yes"と答え、続けて、"there has to be some form of punishment"と発言したため、これが大きく取り上げられました。

Trump’s bungled response — an awkward, extended attempt to evade the question, followed by an answer that, yes, “there has to be some form of punishment” — prompted a backlash that managed to unite abortion rights activists and opponents. And it also brought an unprecedented reversal from the notoriously unapologetic candidate less than a week before Wisconsin’s important primary.

The episode demonstrated the extent to which Trump has glossed over the rigorous policy preparation that is fundamental to most presidential campaigns, underscoring the risks of the billionaire businessman’s winging-it approach as he inches closer to the Republican nomination.

トランプ氏はその後発言を撤回し、中絶した女性ではなく、中絶手術をする医師が罰せられるべきと言いたかった、と釈明しているようですが、ワシントンポスト紙では同氏の"wing-it approach"が露見した、と分析しています。

ところで、"wing-it approach"ってどういう意味でしょう?

"wing it"というのは辞書ではインフォーマルとされている表現ですが、即興でやる、と言う意味で用いられるそうです。



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