

"honor crime"とは? ― honor crime

"honor crime"という言葉をご存知でしょうか?"honor killing"とも言うようです。

私は"honor crime"なる表現を聞くのは初めてだったので、下記の記事のタイトル、

Four held for 'honour killing' of couple in India's Haryana


Police in the Indian state of Haryana have arrested four people over the killing of a couple who were planning to marry despite family opposition.

A 23-year man was beaten and beheaded and his 20-year-old girlfriend was also killed in Rohtak district on Wednesday, according to police.

The woman's father, mother, brother and one other person have been held over the murders - they made no comment.

Police told the BBC they were treating the case as an "honour crime".

So-called honour crimes are common in India, where many still prefer arranged marriages within their own caste and love matches are often frowned upon.
(Four held for 'honour killing' of couple in India's Haryana. BBC News. September 19, 2013.)

結婚を誓った若い男女が、その結婚に反対する家族に殺されたという怖ろしい事件です。地元の警察当局によると、"honour crime"と判断しているそうですが、この"honor crime"とは別名"honor killing"、日本語では“名誉の殺人”と訳されます。

この"honor crime"はインドでは普通にあるそうですが、インドではいまだにカーストという厳格な身分制度が根強く残っており、異なるカーストの男女が結婚することは家族、家柄を汚すことであるとして嫌悪され、そのような行為に及ぶ当事者を家族の手で殺める(ことが許される?)風習があるそうです。

BBCのウェブサイトにあるEthics Guideによりますと、

"Honour" crime involves violence, including murder, committed by people who want to defend the reputation of their family or community.

Honour killing is the murder of a person accused of bringing shame upon his or her family.

It happens worldwide, from South America to Asia.



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