

英議会でコカイン疑惑 ― Charlie

英議会はコカイン利用の巣窟、というスキャンダラスなニュースが報じられています。イギリスの大衆紙The Sunによるすっぱ抜きらしいです。

The Houses of Charliement
(So that's why they need the pay rise)

Undercover reporters found traces of cocaine in NINE different toilets in the historic palace where our laws are made.

They included cubicles just yards from MPs’ offices — in areas where public visitors have no access.

Traces of the Class A drug were also found in toilets shared with guests enjoying receptions at Parliament’s riverside bars.

The findings suggest the drug is regularly being snorted at both the Commons and the Lords — with users defying airport-style security checks and a 500-strong team of cops and security officers.
(The Houses of Charliement. The Sun. July 15, 2013.)



手元にあるOxford Dictionary of Euphemismsを見てみますと、

A substitute word for a taboo subject.



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