

こんな意味もあったの? ― spoil




"spoil (for)"というフレーズは、



Pistorius 'often spoiling for a fight'

A SOUTH African sportsman whose argument with the murder suspect Oscar Pistorius was brought up during his bail hearing last week has described in detail the alleged threats made against him by the paralympian.

Marc Batchelor received two calls from Mr Pistorius threatening to "f*** him up" after he had stepped in to defend a friend who was involved in a row with the athlete over a girlfriend.

Mr Batchelor claimed that Mr Pistorius regularly spoiled for fights with other men. He also said he believed that Mr Pistorius's behaviour, around local rugby clubs and racecourses he enjoyed, would have been confronted much earlier were it not for the fact that he was a double amputee.
(Lucy Bannerman. Pistorius 'often spoiling for a fight.' The Australian. February 25, 2013.)


"spoil"という単語は、略奪品を意味するラテン語spoliumに由来するそうですが、なぜ"spoil for"が“~したくてうずうずしている”という意味になったのか不思議です。

Online Etymology Dictionaryによりますと、略奪品を意味する"spolium"というラテン語は(狩猟で殺した)動物の皮を剥いだもの、という意味から発展したものであり、Proto-Indoeuropeanまで遡ると"split"(剥ぐ)という意味に由来するそうです。

"spoil for"が、“for以下の対象”を求める、という意味になったのは、その対象を得られない場合に主語の人物が"spoil"する(つまり、駄目になる?)、という概念から生じたとのことです。

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