

大騒ぎした割には・・・ ― ballyhoo



John Hoag thought he had dodged the botched initial public offering of Facebook stock when he canceled his order last week for 100 of the company’s shares. This week, Mr. Hoag, 63, a property manager in Tennessee, learned from his Scottrade broker that he was being charged $3,805 for the shares anyway, plus a commission fee.

When he made a complaint, he was told by e-mail that he would have to go through the compliance office, which typically takes seven to 10 days to respond. These are the days of the runaround for thousands of ordinary investors who were snagged when the much ballyhooed initial offering had problems on Friday.
(Nathaniel Popper. Small Investors Seek Answers to the Confusion of Facebook Trading. The New York Times. May 24, 2012.)



"ballyhoo"の語源については、ほとんどの辞書で語源不詳とされています。魚の”サヨリ”という意味もあるそうですが、なぜ”派手な宣伝”という意味を持つに至ったかは不明なのです。(私が調べた範囲では)唯一、American Heritage Dictionaryによると、推測の範囲(the subject of much speculation)であるとしながらも、興味深い説明を展開しています。その部分を抜粋します。

There may, however, be a tie between ballyhoo and the creature called a ballyhoo bird. According to a July 1880 article in Harper's, the bird had four wings and two heads and could whistle through one bill while singing through the other. Anyone who has ever been on a snipe hunt will know what hunting ballyhoo birds was like.
(American Heritage Dictionary)

"ballyhoo bird"は羽根が4つ、頭が2つある鳥ということですが、伝説上の鳥、想像上の鳥でしょうか。1つの頭(嘴)でさえずりながら、もう1つの頭(嘴)では違うさえずりをすることができるということですから、なるほど”やかましく宣伝する”という"ballyhoo"の意味に沿っていると思われます。あるいは、そんな奇怪で珍しい鳥を探すとなると、”無暗な大騒ぎ”に発展するという連想から発展した表現でしょうか。



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