

成人の3割に夢遊病の症状 ― somnambulism


About 30% of adults in the USA have experienced nighttime wanderings, and those with sleep apnea or psychiatric disorders such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder are at higher risk, finds the study of 19,136 Americans ages 18 and older. Antidepressants, sleeping pills and certain other medications can increase the risk, but they appear to bring on events in people with a history of sleepwalking.

"I would like to correct the impression that sleepwalking is rare," says study author Maurice Ohayon, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center. "This is a huge number of people."

Participants were asked in phone surveys about their sleep habits, general health, medications and mental disorders. People who wandered at night at least once during the year were more likely to have a family history of sleepwalking — and often tread on quality sleep for household members. Ohayon says that's how most know of their somnambulism. "Their partners will wake up in the morning and tell them about it. It can be very disruptive to others, while the person walking at night can be quite unaware."
(Janice Lloyd. 30% of U.S. adults have sleepwalked, study finds. May 14, 2012.)






調査結果は18歳以上の米国人、約1万9千人に対して行われ、過去1年において睡眠中に歩いたという経験が1度以上あると回答した人が約3割に上ったということです。うつ病などの精神疾患を患っている場合には、症状が現れるリスクが特に高いという統計もあるそうです。調査を実施した、Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research CenterのMaurice Ohayon教授によると、この数字は(予想よりも)非常に大きい数字であり、もっと夢中歩行という症状に関心が向けられるべきとコメントしているそうです。



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