

バーガーキングはお好き? ― whopper




Coming up With a New Menu Is a Whopper of a Task

When Burger King set about to fix its ailing empire, the fast food giant started by scrutinizing everything on the menu — even the mayonnaise.

A group of Burger King executives and franchisees last year sat through a lengthy presentation complete with charts and graphs on how oils and eggs affect the quality of the spread. A blind taste test of 30 varieties followed. The verdict: They liked the one Burger King was already using.

"That was actually a pretty hard day," recalls John Koch, Burger King's executive chef.
(Candice Choi. Coming up with a new menu is a whopper of a task. ABC News. April 2, 2012.)



私はこの"whopper"が英単語とは知らず、漠然とバーガーキングの造語になる商標の類と思っておりました。なので、"a whopper of a task"という表現を見て、おや?と思ったのです。




これを同社の看板商品の名前とかけて、"a whopper of a task"としたのは記者のしゃれっ気もあってのことではないかと思います。

そこでですが、この"a whopper of"のような表現がどれくらい一般的なものなのかが気になってきたので、コーパスで調べてみました。



Three-quarters of crops depend on insect pollinators, and the number of their visits influences the size of the fruit. Dudareva muses that better-smelling plants could score more pollination and produce better yields. A watermelon flower needs about a dozen visits from pollen-carrying insects to develop a real whopper of a fruit, and a strawberry needs some 25 visits to reach prime berry size.
(Science News. 2002.)


She'd ignored Tink's advice and sailed straight into a storm that had flipped her boat upside-down and left her pinned inside the cabin for most of the night. Now she had a whopper of a headache, and her body was black and blue from the battering she had taken.
(Ben Sherwood. The death and life of Charlie St. Could. 2004.)


"She's frugal," "religiously" pays off her credit-card bills, and this year she paid off her car, an' 88 Nissan Sentra. But she incurred a whopper of a bill, with a $ 92,000 mortgage on the modern, semi-suburban townhouse she moved into last March. "
(Houston Chronicle. 1992.)


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