

今年はよい年でありますように・・・ ― generosity



(PARIS) — Fireworks glittered and boomed Sunday as revelers in Australia and Asia welcomed 2012 and others around the world looked forward to bidding adieu to a year marred by natural disasters and economic turmoil.
(Greg Keller. Australia, Asia Welcome 2012. Time. December 31, 2011.)


The mood was less bright in Europe, where leaders set the tone for a continent hammered by an unprecedented economic crisis that has put the euro's existence in question, turning in New Year's messages that 2012 will bring more financial hardship.


In Greece, where the government has imposed especially harsh austerity measures, Prime Minister Lucas Papademos could promise no reprieve.
"A very difficult year is coming: we must continue our effort decisively. So that our sacrifices will not have been in vain," he said.



Raymond Lo, a master of feng shui — the Chinese art of arranging objects and choosing dates to improve luck — offered hope that things might get better. He said he wasn't surprised that 2011 was such a tumultuous year because it was associated with the natural elements of metal and wood. The year's natural disasters were foreshadowed, Lo said, because wood — which represents trees and nature — was attacked by metal.

2012 could be better because it's associated with ocean water, which represents energy and drive and the washing away of old habits, Lo said.

"Big water also means charity, generosity," Lo said. "Therefore that means sharing. That means maybe the big tycoons will share some of their wealth."

中国の風水専門家に言わせると2012年は大洋の水(ocean water)の年なのだそうですが、大洋の水はエネルギーと推進力や活力を象徴し、旧弊を洗い流してくれるものだそうです。

大洋の水はまた、慈愛と寛容(charity and generosity)も象徴するということです。世界中の人々が助け合い、分かち合う、そんな素晴らしい1年になるのでしょうか。


American Heritage Dictionaryによると、"generosity"の定義は最初に

Liberality in giving or willingness to give


Nobility of thought or behavior; magnanimity




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