

ダイエット失敗? ― wind up

"wind up"という表現をご存知でしょうか?敢えて和訳すると、”結局~になる”、”結局~する羽目になる”という表現です。




As if Americans needed any reminder that weight loss is hard and maintaining weight loss even harder, a study has found that for at least a year, subjects who shed weight on a low-calorie diet were hungrier than when they started and had higher levels of hormones that tell the body to eat more, conserve energy and store away fuel as fat.

The report, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, helps explain why roughly 4 in 5 dieters wind up gaining back lost pounds within a year or two of losing them — and, sometimes, pack on a few extra pounds for good measure.
(Melissa Healy. Why dieters tend to regain weight. Los Angels Times. October 26, 2011.)

構文的な話をしますと、"wind up"に続くのは動詞の現在分詞形(いわゆる~ing)が、コーパスなどで見ても圧倒的に多いです。しかしながら、"wind up as"という形で後ろに名詞を伴うこともあります。

General Motors CEO Jack Smith ran GM of Canada for two years in the 1980s on his way to the top of the largest company in the USA, notes Whittaker of EDS. However, Smith has been an exception, executive-search firms say. They find that the men who wind up as CEOs seldom have their careers steered through Canada.
(USA Today. 1999.)

上記の引用では、"the men who wind up as CEOs"ということで、望ましくない帰結、結果、というのと反するように思われますが、"wind up"は必ずしもネガティヴな意味で用いられるのではないということの証左でもあります。

American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を引用すると、

(Informal) To arrive in a place or situation after or because of a course of action



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