

血みどろのスマートフォン戦争、1番じゃなきゃ駄目ですか? ― arena




In a rather bold statement, Sony has said that it aims to take the second position in the Tablet market after Apple by the end of the year. The statement surprisingly comes from a company which has no presence in the flourishing Tablet arena.

Reuters reported a Sony executive saying, "For sure iPad is the king of tablets. But what is the second, what is the third? Who is taking the second position? That is our focus, We would like to really take the number two position in a year.". The company's CEO Howard Stringer is also considering whether to add 3D viewing capabilities to Sony's yet-unheard tablet.

It's a very bold statement, as this is not 2010 anymore, where a bunch of Android 2.x Tablets tried to give the iPad a tough fight. The CES 2011 event in Las Vegas that ended a few days ago showed us some killer tablets that have the hardware and the software to capture the market share that Apple enjoyed last year. With time ticking away, Sony will have to do more than come up with just a competitive model if they want that No. 2 spot.
(Rohan Naravane. Sony Wants to be No. 2 in Tablets in 2011. Techtree. January 11, 2011.)

あのソニーが、タブレット端末ではアップルの後塵を拝して、”2位を狙う”、と宣言したという記事です。記事にもあるように何とも大胆な発言("very bold statement")というか、意図がよく読めない

さて、本題の"arena"という単語ですが、英文記事では結構お目にかかる機会の多い単語です。"political arena"、とか"business arena"とか、色々な形容がついて、要は分野であるとか、市場、領域、あるテーマにおける舞台、を示すのに使われる比喩的な表現です。その背景には”血”が流されているのです、というと大げさなと思われるでしょうが、語源的にはそうなのです。

英語"arena"は、ラテン語"harena"(砂)に由来します。何故、”砂”なのか?それは、古代ローマの剣闘士が戦った円形競技場の部隊が砂で覆われていたことによるのですが、この砂は剣闘士が流す血を吸収するためのものでした。(American Heritage Dictionary.)



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