

get away with ~




You won't get away with it. : ただでは済まないぞ。/すぐにばれるぞ。




Alas, now that sales are tanking and the stock has collapsed to $13 from a 52-week high of $99, EMC's problems have been laid bare. An outdated manufacturing operation contributes to bloated costs. Its richly paid sales force has gained a reputation for bullying customers. Worst of all, EMC's technology has fallen behind. For years EMC's Symmetrix system-a refrigerator-size box of disk drives that sells for $1 million or more-was the best in the world. So good, in fact, that EMC got away with charging two or three times what rivals like IBM and Hitachi Data Systems charged. But today IBM and Hitachi sell products that are at least as good, and they cost much less. " Hitachi's system was twice as fast as EMC's and cost half as much, " says Matthew Zafuto, a technology director at Xcel Energy.


wet blanket

名詞(a wet blanket)で、”盛り上がっている場をしらけさせる人、もの”のことを指す成句です。

ハイフンで繋いで、動詞になることもあるようです。つまり、”場をしらけさせる、興ざめさせる”という他動詞的意味になり、"wet-blanket a party"は、”パーティを台無しにする”といった意味になります。



"blue blanket"や"security blanket"は、”安心・落ち着きを与えてくれる物”といった意味で用いられるようです。また、"security blanket"には”情報検閲”、”捜査網”といった意味もあるようです。

Beijing has deployed a massive security blanket to protect against terrorist attacks and to prevent embarrassing protests. On Friday, thousands of soldiers and police will surround the National Stadium. Spectators will be screened when they enter the stadium and have been told to arrive well in advance. Li Dan, an official at the office responsible for ticketing during the Games, said organizers wanted to ensure safety and keep the atmosphere festive. " We want everything to go smoothly, " he said. (2008 BEIJING OLYMPICS: 5,000 years, 1 big show; China spends millions on spectacular opening. Atlanta Journal Constitution. 2008.)


mug shot


American Heritage Dictionary of English Languageによれば、"mug"とはいわゆるマグカップのことで、Scandinavian originだそうです。スカンジナビアのマグカップには仰々しい人の顔のデコレーションが典型的だったのでしょうか、そこから転じて、"mug"は人の顔、顔貌を表す名詞にも使われ始めたようです。


Hundreds of officers in cruisers and helicopters swarmed the area in the search of the suspect, identified as 33-year-old Brian Nichols. He had been on trial for rape, burglary and other charges stemming from an August incident involving an ex-girlfriend. The rampage led to chaos around the city, with schools, restaurants and office buildings locking down amid fears that the suspect might strike again. Nichols' mug shot was plastered all over TV screens, and highway message boards issued descriptions of the stolen vehicle. (Associated Press. 2005)







といった意味があります。 以下はクラウドコンピューティング(cloud computing)に関する記事からの引用です。

The concept of cloud computing, based on technologies that already support e-mail and search services, has burst onto the IT scene during the past year. Success stories have already been logged across a range of industries and government organizations, including the White House, which used Google cloud services to handle the questions sent to President Barack Obama during his March 26 town hall meeting. The White House was able to field a peak of 700 e-mail hits per second from 92,234 people submitting 104,073 questions and casting 3,605,984 votes in the 48 hours leading up to the meeting.
 (The New Computing Pioneers. C&EN Online. May 25, 2009.)


loose leaf


さて、最近の疑問loose leafはなぜ、ルーズリーフと発音するのか?



One teacher told me about a student who wasn't paying attention in class. Instead he was writing a note on loose leaf paper. In pencil at the top it said,' R.I.P. Wakefield.' Below in badly punctuated run-on sentences it read,' Solid Wakefield. When you die a part of me die. But you was there for me, and I am not there for you.' Wakefield was apparently a gang leader who was killed.' (NPR_ATC. Motivating Students Is Hard for Taft Teachers. 1994)


snail mail

電子メール全盛の時代、電子メールがほとんど一瞬で届くのに対比して、通常郵便をかたつむりの鈍さに喩えて、snail mailとは甚だ失礼な表現のように思えます。


ちなみに、現代の普通郵便より遅いという意味でしょうか、"pony express"(馬による郵便配達)という表現も存在するようです。

Maddening waits. If you know what you want, electronic shopping is almost always faster than schlepping off to the store. If you don't, be prepared for incredibly tedious delays as you browse. While you can flip through a paper catalog in seconds, you'll feel your gums receding in the time it takes to load a few pages of fashion choices on a Web site at dial-up speeds. Limited payment options. If a site doesn't take credit cards, you're back in Snail Mail Country, moving from the speed of light to pony express. This is a particularly tough problem when you're trying to nail down a unique item at an auction site like eBay. Even if you're lucky enough to hold the high bid when the virtual gavel falls, you must make your purchase offline, either paying by check or money order (requiring a visit to the bank, located in the smelly old real world).


draw a parallel between...



"draw a parallel between A and B"は、”AとBを対比させる”という訳語が辞書に見えますが、しっくりきません。むしろ、AとBは似ている、AとBに類似する点がある、ということを言いたい時に使う表現のように思われます。”対比させる”だと、比較する行為そのものを指しており、結果として類似していない場合もあるでしょうから、ちょっと違うように思われるのです。

He doesn't draw a parallel between the history of country music and the history of jazz, but one needn't be a musicologist to understand that both genres reached their zeniths relatively early in their development - jazz between the mid-1920s and the mid-1950s, country during the period outlined by Jennings - and gradually lost much of their creative spark and originality as they achieved maturity. (Houston Chronicle. 2008)



いわゆる”雑用”ですが、私がすぐに思いつく組み合わせは、"household drudgery"(家事雑事)です。掃除、洗濯に食器洗い・・・。お手伝いさんを雇う身分でもない限り、drudgeryは避けようがありません。

Corpusで調べてみると面白い組み合わせも見つかります。"computer drudgery"はそのひとつです。



"cut-and-paste drudgery"という表現はこの事と無縁ではないように思われます。(下記の引用では、意味的に正反対に使われていますが・・・。)

For Brad Ramsey of Marietta, being wired has its ups and downs. It has simplified his job as creative director of an advertising agency. Using a computer, Ramsey can easily alter an ad -- change colors and sizes, swap one photo for another. His work is much different from the cut-and-paste drudgery he suffered through when he got into the business 15 years ago. (Atlanta Journal Constitution; 2001)


a pig in a poke

いわゆる、“安物買いの銭失い”という日本語訳が一般的です。pokeとは袋の意味だそうで、直訳すると、袋の中の子豚、主に動詞buyを伴うことが多く、"buy a pig in a poke"というような形で現れ、袋の中の子豚を買う、転じて、袋の中をよく見もしないで子豚と思って買ったらよく見ると実はもっと価値のない動物だった(子豚を食用に買うということなのでしょうか、子豚より価値の下がる動物とは?ネズミとか??)、といったような解釈で、安物買いの銭失い、といった意味に通じるようです。




Well, what the prosecutors will tell you is they don't want to buy a pig in a poke. They want to know exactly what they're going to get if, indeed, they give her immunity. So they are debriefing her. What we have heard up unto this point is that Monica Lewinsky said, " Look, no one ever pressured me to lie. " Now, Ken Starr apparently believes something different, and so he wants to know what it is Monica Lewinsky is prepared to say.
(Shooting at the Capitol: Congress Pays Tribute to Slain Officers; Investigating the President: New Developments put Starr Probe in High Gear. CNN Politics. 1998)